Title : "While political strategists and public opinion experts agree that Mr. Trump’s greatest electoral weakness is among female voters..."
link : "While political strategists and public opinion experts agree that Mr. Trump’s greatest electoral weakness is among female voters..."
"While political strategists and public opinion experts agree that Mr. Trump’s greatest electoral weakness is among female voters..."
"... here in Columbia [Missouri] and places like it, the president enjoys a herolike status among women who say he is fighting to preserve a way of life threatened by an increasingly liberal Democratic Party.... Some of Mr. Trump’s female backers initially supported him only reluctantly or do so now in spite of reservations about his bawdy language and erratic behavior. But they shared in his victory after the bitter and partisan battle over the confirmation of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. And many believe the president when he reminds them during each of his hourlong pep rallies that the world they know — largely Christian, conservative and white — is at stake on Tuesday.... Rachell Marks, 59, who works in car sales in Billings, Mont., said she would continue to support Mr. Trump because she believed he told the truth. 'I have an infatuation and a love for this man that’s not normal,' Ms. Marks said. 'I give the highest respect when people are telling the truth and giving their political power. If anything, I have a deeper respect now.'"From "At Trump Rallies, Women See a Hero Protecting a Way of Life" (NYT). Worth clicking just to see the fantastic photograph of Rachell Marks. Other great photos too. I give the NYT credit for trying to understand the women who it would be so easy to dismiss as not making sense. And the blending in of the "experts" is just plain funny, intentionally or not.
Thus articles "While political strategists and public opinion experts agree that Mr. Trump’s greatest electoral weakness is among female voters..."
that is all articles "While political strategists and public opinion experts agree that Mr. Trump’s greatest electoral weakness is among female voters..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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