Title : "My God... he’s black," said Norman Lear, introducing Andrew Gillum, and his joke "killed"...
link : "My God... he’s black," said Norman Lear, introducing Andrew Gillum, and his joke "killed"...
"My God... he’s black," said Norman Lear, introducing Andrew Gillum, and his joke "killed"...
... according to the NYT, in "Jimmy Buffett and ‘MAGA’ Hats: Scenes From the U.S. Just Before a Tight Election" (an article that has a correction note about misspelling Buffett's name in the original headline.)Gillum is Andrew Gillum, the Democratic Party nominee for governor in Florida. And Norman Lear is the ancient TV producer and political activist. Lear is 96 years old, so maybe he has the privilege to use the sort of humor that Americans less obviously close to the end no longer risk.
Thus articles "My God... he’s black," said Norman Lear, introducing Andrew Gillum, and his joke "killed"...
that is all articles "My God... he’s black," said Norman Lear, introducing Andrew Gillum, and his joke "killed"... This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "My God... he’s black," said Norman Lear, introducing Andrew Gillum, and his joke "killed"... with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2018/11/my-god-hes-black-said-norman-lear.html
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