Title : "The original 2007 video 'Charlie Bit My Finger,' a standard-bearer of viral internet fascination, has sold as a nonfungible token for $760,999..."
link : "The original 2007 video 'Charlie Bit My Finger,' a standard-bearer of viral internet fascination, has sold as a nonfungible token for $760,999..."
"The original 2007 video 'Charlie Bit My Finger,' a standard-bearer of viral internet fascination, has sold as a nonfungible token for $760,999..."
"... and the family who created it will take down the original from YouTube for good.... Many duplicates of the video remain online, including one apparently rebranded by the family itself in anticipation of the auction. But the auction allowed bidders to 'own the soon-to-be-deleted YouTube phenomenon' and be the 'sole owner of this lovable piece of internet history.'"
The NYT reports on this mindless financial transaction.
Something was sweet, charming, and ephemeral 7 years ago, and now it's come to this. I guess I'm glad the family took in some money, and it's impossible to give a damn about whoever/whatever paid $760,999 for the nothingness that has something to do with the viral clip.
Thus articles "The original 2007 video 'Charlie Bit My Finger,' a standard-bearer of viral internet fascination, has sold as a nonfungible token for $760,999..."
You now read the article "The original 2007 video 'Charlie Bit My Finger,' a standard-bearer of viral internet fascination, has sold as a nonfungible token for $760,999..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/05/the-original-2007-video-charlie-bit-my.html
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