Title : "The idea of putting the [Foxconn] plant in southeastern Wisconsin originated in April of 2017, during a helicopter ride President Donald Trump took with Reince Priebus..."
link : "The idea of putting the [Foxconn] plant in southeastern Wisconsin originated in April of 2017, during a helicopter ride President Donald Trump took with Reince Priebus..."
"The idea of putting the [Foxconn] plant in southeastern Wisconsin originated in April of 2017, during a helicopter ride President Donald Trump took with Reince Priebus..."
"... a Wisconsin native and Trump’s chief of staff at the time. Flying over Kenosha, Priebus’s home town, they passed the empty lot that once held the American Motors Corporation plant. 'Why is all that land vacant?' Trump asked, according to an account Priebus gave to a Milwaukee television station. 'That land should be used.' When Terry Gou, Foxconn’s chairman, came to the White House to discuss Foxconn’s desire to build a U.S. factory, Trump suggested the site in Kenosha. It wasn’t big enough, but the town of Mt. Pleasant, fifteen miles north, pursued the company aggressively, and was ultimately selected by Foxconn in October of 2017. The project moved quickly. Last June, a groundbreaking ceremony was held in Mt. Pleasant to celebrate a political triumph for Trump and [Governor Scott] Walker...."From "Did Scott Walker and Donald Trump Deal Away the Governor’s Race to Foxconn?/As the public has become aware of the spiraling costs associated with building a new Foxconn plant in Wisconsin, the deal has become something of a political liability for the state’s governor" (The New Yorker). I'm not sure what "Deal Away the Governor’s Race" means, though it seems clear that the deal is done and voting for Walker's opponent (Tony Evers) won't change that. I guess it means that Scott Walker may lose the governor's race because he made that deal.
Thus articles "The idea of putting the [Foxconn] plant in southeastern Wisconsin originated in April of 2017, during a helicopter ride President Donald Trump took with Reince Priebus..."
that is all articles "The idea of putting the [Foxconn] plant in southeastern Wisconsin originated in April of 2017, during a helicopter ride President Donald Trump took with Reince Priebus..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "The idea of putting the [Foxconn] plant in southeastern Wisconsin originated in April of 2017, during a helicopter ride President Donald Trump took with Reince Priebus..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-idea-of-putting-foxconn-plant-in.html
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