Title : "Maybe New Yorkers have a little PTSD, but what we went through in the spring with all these experts giving us advice and the advice turned out to be wrong..."
link : "Maybe New Yorkers have a little PTSD, but what we went through in the spring with all these experts giving us advice and the advice turned out to be wrong..."
"Maybe New Yorkers have a little PTSD, but what we went through in the spring with all these experts giving us advice and the advice turned out to be wrong..."
"... all this anecdotal information. We invested very heavily in doing COVID testing and we do more testing than any state in the nation, but that gives us actual facts that we can base our actions upon. And we’ve now done 21 million tests.... On the facts, what we’re seeing, schools are almost without exception, safer than local communities, in terms of infection rate. This was not what was initially expected. Initially, some of the experts said, 'Well, schools are like mass gatherings, and if you get a lot of students together, there’s going to be a spread.' That is not what has happened. That’s not what the facts say. The facts say, that the schools are actually following the rules and following the guidance, the children are following the guidance.... Now, this is a decision that has been left to the local school districts.... City of Buffalo recently announced they’re going to keep their schools closed. I respect local governments, I respect the prerogative of local governments with education. I understand the balance, but my advice, and if you look across the nation, and you look across the world, most informed experts will say test in the schools, but if the schools are safer, then leave the schools open."Said Governor Andrew Cuomo yesterday (transcript). Not sure what he means to say about "experts" — "all these experts giving us advice and the advice turned out to be wrong" and "most informed experts will say test in the schools, but if the schools are safer, then leave the schools open." I think he means, we've got to listen to the experts and follow their advice, but I understand your "PTSD" about expert advice. There's a limit to how much people are going to accept being told to listen to the experts — especially as the experts themselves change as they get more data — but what else are you going to do?
Thus articles "Maybe New Yorkers have a little PTSD, but what we went through in the spring with all these experts giving us advice and the advice turned out to be wrong..."
that is all articles "Maybe New Yorkers have a little PTSD, but what we went through in the spring with all these experts giving us advice and the advice turned out to be wrong..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "Maybe New Yorkers have a little PTSD, but what we went through in the spring with all these experts giving us advice and the advice turned out to be wrong..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/12/maybe-new-yorkers-have-little-ptsd-but.html
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