Title : "In the two weeks since commercial flights began between Tel Aviv and the Emirati cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Israelis have caused a remarkable tourism boomlet in the Gulf nation."
link : "In the two weeks since commercial flights began between Tel Aviv and the Emirati cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Israelis have caused a remarkable tourism boomlet in the Gulf nation."
"In the two weeks since commercial flights began between Tel Aviv and the Emirati cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Israelis have caused a remarkable tourism boomlet in the Gulf nation."
"Suddenly, Hebrew can be heard throughout the markets, malls and beaches of a destination that was strictly off-limits until the two countries achieved a diplomatic breakthrough in August and established normal relations. More than 50,000 Israelis have brushed aside covid-19 concerns, a terrorism warning and decades of tension to make the three-hour flight across the Arab Peninsula.... The first Israelis to arrive described a congenial culture clash unlike anything they have experienced in the region. 'This is much warmer than what we felt in Jordan or Egypt,' said Arieh Engel... ... Engel had just had 'Happy Birthday; sung to him in Arabic, English and finally a halting Hebrew by the staff of the Arabia Tea House in Dubai’s Old City.... 'They are so rich here,' marveled Reem Iluz, a Tel Aviv construction engineer loaded down with bags in the palatial Dubai Mall, somewhere between the 2.6-million-gallon aquarium tank and the 19,000-square-foot ice rink. 'They have a lot to lose if there is no peace.'... For Dubai’s first public Hanukkah, the JCC is holding a nightly extravaganza at the base of the 163-story Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building. Hundreds of Israelis dance, while the music of singers and a DJ flown in from Israel echo off the surrounding towers. 'I really think this is the best place to be a Jew,” [said Rabbi Mendel] Duchman..."From "Package-tour diplomacy: Thousands of Israeli tourists flock to Dubai after peace deal" (WaPo).
I didn't vote for him. In more than 50 years of voting, I've never voted for a Republican. Never.
But as more and more Arab states forge stable interaction agreements, and even peace agreements with Israel, it is the Trump administration who deserves credit for this remarkable achievement. The Democratic party, with its Jihad Squad and its own growing brand of anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel, could never have accomplished this.
Thank you Mr. Trump for Warp Speed as well.
Now, Mr. Trump, you can leave and we can set about repairing the massive amount of despicable damage you have caused our country and the world.
Thus articles "In the two weeks since commercial flights began between Tel Aviv and the Emirati cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Israelis have caused a remarkable tourism boomlet in the Gulf nation."
that is all articles "In the two weeks since commercial flights began between Tel Aviv and the Emirati cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Israelis have caused a remarkable tourism boomlet in the Gulf nation." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "In the two weeks since commercial flights began between Tel Aviv and the Emirati cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Israelis have caused a remarkable tourism boomlet in the Gulf nation." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/12/in-two-weeks-since-commercial-flights.html
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