Title : "This establishment is not black-owned, but you're stealing black culture... Trap Tea... You're thieves, Asian people, stealing black culture, once again...."
link : "This establishment is not black-owned, but you're stealing black culture... Trap Tea... You're thieves, Asian people, stealing black culture, once again...."
"This establishment is not black-owned, but you're stealing black culture... Trap Tea... You're thieves, Asian people, stealing black culture, once again...."
"You’re thieves! Asian people stealing black culture once again.”— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 23, 2020
A strong, black Muslim woman went inside the new Trap Tea business in Aurora, Colo. on Friday and confronted the staff. A black customer tries to defend the business & is called a racial slur by her. pic.twitter.com/uejQ6nC8cr
I had to look up "trap" in the Urban Dictionary. I see the top-voted definition is a type of anime character, but there's also a secondary meaning, a place where drugs are sold.
The slur the woman uses against the black man who intervenes is "coon": "When used by blacks its describing an uncle Rukus type character. A black person who is ignorant to white discrimination and unknowingly suffers with self hatred."
ADDED: Here's their logo, which uses a font that I would characterize as an effort to signal Asianness:
Thus articles "This establishment is not black-owned, but you're stealing black culture... Trap Tea... You're thieves, Asian people, stealing black culture, once again...."
that is all articles "This establishment is not black-owned, but you're stealing black culture... Trap Tea... You're thieves, Asian people, stealing black culture, once again...." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "This establishment is not black-owned, but you're stealing black culture... Trap Tea... You're thieves, Asian people, stealing black culture, once again...." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/08/this-establishment-is-not-black-owned.html
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