Title : "Making her first appearance outside Massachusetts since her attempt to demonstrate the strength of her presidential campaign with a DNA test release that fell flat..."
link : "Making her first appearance outside Massachusetts since her attempt to demonstrate the strength of her presidential campaign with a DNA test release that fell flat..."
"Making her first appearance outside Massachusetts since her attempt to demonstrate the strength of her presidential campaign with a DNA test release that fell flat..."
"... Warren would not talk about Donald Trump or the campaign she’s still looking at launching.... But she did make a case against the president and his party.... Warren drew a crowd of over 300 on campus at Ohio University.... Her first stop of the day didn’t make much of a mark. At a coffee shop and bar in Columbus, about 50 people showed, barely outnumbering the journalists and campaign staff who’d stood outside in the rain, urging passersby to come in...."From "Elizabeth Warren Test Drives Her Presidential Campaign/The Massachusetts senator started a two-day campaign swing through Ohio and Wisconsin" by Edward-Isaac Dovere (The Atlantic).
I see she's in Madison, Wisconsin today, Monona Terrace, Exhibition Hall A. "Doors open at 9:30AM." The capacity of Exhibition Hall A is 1,600.
Thus articles "Making her first appearance outside Massachusetts since her attempt to demonstrate the strength of her presidential campaign with a DNA test release that fell flat..."
that is all articles "Making her first appearance outside Massachusetts since her attempt to demonstrate the strength of her presidential campaign with a DNA test release that fell flat..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "Making her first appearance outside Massachusetts since her attempt to demonstrate the strength of her presidential campaign with a DNA test release that fell flat..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2018/11/making-her-first-appearance-outside.html
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