Title : "At 89 years old I have been a drinker for about 74 years."
link : "At 89 years old I have been a drinker for about 74 years."
"At 89 years old I have been a drinker for about 74 years."
"The amount I drank was initially small due to lack of funds. Later I [could] afford more and changed to wine as my main alcohol intake. Over the last quarter of a century I have averaged about 1 glass of red wine a day and an occasional Scottish malt whisky. All this hazard that the study suggests is trivial compared with the enjoyment experienced. A much greater hazard I have to indulge in is crossing roads on foot."The top-rated comment on "Study Causes Splash, but Here’s Why You Should Stay Calm on Alcohol’s Risks/Harms increase with each additional drink per day, yet they are much smaller than many other risks in our lives." (NYT).
Thus articles "At 89 years old I have been a drinker for about 74 years."
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You now read the article "At 89 years old I have been a drinker for about 74 years." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2018/09/at-89-years-old-i-have-been-drinker-for.html
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