Title : "After Weiner’s Sentencing, Abedin Opts for ‘Divorce Jeans.'"
link : "After Weiner’s Sentencing, Abedin Opts for ‘Divorce Jeans.'"
"After Weiner’s Sentencing, Abedin Opts for ‘Divorce Jeans.'"
A NYT headline. Excerpt from the text:These jeans sent a different message [than the black sweater she wore at the sentencing], one surely received by the paparazzi staked outside her door that morning. With a smattering of yellow and orange flowers and leaves from hip to heel, the jeans said: bright and cheery. They said, Let’s roll around in a meadow covered with wildflowers in our hair like hippie children from the 1960s singing “Let the Sunshine In.”... They’re a walking celebration. An explosion of animated joy."What's up with the adjective "divorce" in "Divorce Jeans"? The occasion is that the sentencing is over. Abedin and Weiner are not yet divorced. The article refers to him as "her soon-to-be-ex-husband." And I don't think he's gone to prison yet.
But we get the idea: "Divorce" works as an adjective in front of the names of things — e.g., "divorce hair" — a woman adopts to express that she has cut herself off from her old married life and feels just great about all the freedom flooding into he life.
In other contexts, it might be bad to celebrate your freedom when your mate is going to prison, losing his prison. But Weiner's crime required Abedin to show no empathy.
Thus articles "After Weiner’s Sentencing, Abedin Opts for ‘Divorce Jeans.'"
that is all articles "After Weiner’s Sentencing, Abedin Opts for ‘Divorce Jeans.'" This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "After Weiner’s Sentencing, Abedin Opts for ‘Divorce Jeans.'" with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2017/09/after-weiners-sentencing-abedin-opts.html
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