Title : "Three heart patients died after a mob of lawyers rampaged through a Lahore hospital in a dispute with doctors."
link : "Three heart patients died after a mob of lawyers rampaged through a Lahore hospital in a dispute with doctors."
"Three heart patients died after a mob of lawyers rampaged through a Lahore hospital in a dispute with doctors."
"Up to 200 lawyers wearing traditional black suits stormed the Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC), smashing windows, doors and equipment and setting a police van ablaze. Television reports showed some of the lawyers armed with handguns while riot police fired tear gas to try to quell the mob. Lawyers could be seen standing on the bonnet of a burning police vehicle and scuffling with officers. Doctors and nurses fled the hospital to escape the violence, leaving intensive care patients unattended.... Lahore government official Kamran Ali told Reuters the lawyers were enraged by an earlier incident where doctors allegedly beat a lawyer at the hospital over his refusal to get in a queue of patients. The lawyers were particularly angry that the doctors filmed and shared the beating on social media, he said."The Telegraph reports.
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