Title : "For shockingly long stretches of time, you felt as though your own excellent taste and sensitivity were powering the novels."
link : "For shockingly long stretches of time, you felt as though your own excellent taste and sensitivity were powering the novels."
"For shockingly long stretches of time, you felt as though your own excellent taste and sensitivity were powering the novels."
"You wanted to live in Knausgaard’s brightly illuminated version of a world that you almost recognized as your own. In other words, Knausgaard performed a sly transference, a variety of literary hypnosis."From "Karl Ove Knausgaard’s Haunting New Novel/In 'The Morning Star,' the Norwegian novelist gives voice to the feeling that something terrible is coming for us all" (The New Yorker).
The article writer — Brandon Taylor — deploys "you" in describing a feeling he can't possibly know that I have ever had. He's had it, and he's challenging me to think about whether I have ever had it? I wonder! It's a pretty specific delusion.
Thus articles "For shockingly long stretches of time, you felt as though your own excellent taste and sensitivity were powering the novels."
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You now read the article "For shockingly long stretches of time, you felt as though your own excellent taste and sensitivity were powering the novels." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/10/for-shockingly-long-stretches-of-time.html
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