Title : The notion that it's an unfair burden on the black students of Madison to attend a school with the name Madison on it.
link : The notion that it's an unfair burden on the black students of Madison to attend a school with the name Madison on it.
The notion that it's an unfair burden on the black students of Madison to attend a school with the name Madison on it.
One of our high schools here in Madison is called James Madison Memorial High School, and, because Madison owned slaves, the School Board set up a committee to change that name — the name of the school not the name of the city.Now, the Wisconsin State Journal reports on the 4 finalists in the naming process. Those behind the petition to change the name were pushing for Vel Phillips Memorial High School. Vel Phillips, a black woman, was successful in Wisconsin politics. But Vel Phillips Memorial High School is listed 3rd in the committee's ranking.
In first place is Bruce Dahmen Memorial High School. Who was Bruce Dahmen? He's a white man, so you might think that would exclude him. But he was the school's principal from 2004 until his death in 2014. I suppose we'll need to hear all about this man's character and reputation, including from those who are pumping for Vel Phillips.
In second place is Memorial High School. Of all the effrontery! Just not honoring anyone at all! I like that solution. I've always heard the school called Memorial High School, and the other high schools here have neutral names — West High School and East High School. Memorial High School solves the stated problem — eliminating the recognition of James Madison.
But then to whom is it a "memorial"? One committee member notes: “The person who submitted just Memorial, in that proposal they did say that they were proposing it to be a memorial to all students who went to the school and students who went on to do great things as kind of a unifying name.”
I guess the students would be sort of projecting themselves in the future, looking back on their high school days and remembering. I'm imagining this sort of sentiment:
The ranking was based on 750 comments received from the public:
Roughly 57% of those who weighed in were in favor of a complete name change, 22% were not in favor of a name change and 21% were in favor of simplifying the existing name to Madison Memorial or Memorial High School.
I would add the 22 and the 21 together, which would put Memorial High School in first place. But really, I think 750 comments on what to name that high school is insufficient to justify ousting James Madison from a place of honor in the city of Madison. I am afraid this will begin an unstoppable momentum that will end up depriving us of the traditional name of our city.
Where will this end? With a state capital named Vel Phillipsville? If we must go that way, may I suggest the more sprightly Phillipvelphia?
Thus articles The notion that it's an unfair burden on the black students of Madison to attend a school with the name Madison on it.
that is all articles The notion that it's an unfair burden on the black students of Madison to attend a school with the name Madison on it. This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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