Title : "The Indictment of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media."
link : "The Indictment of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media."
"The Indictment of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media."
Writes Glenn Greenwald (at Substack).
The FBI... quickly concluded that there was no evidentiary basis to believe any of it.... The central role played by the U.S. media in perpetuating this scam on the public — all with the goal of manipulating the election outcome — is hard to overstate....
Thus articles "The Indictment of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media."
that is all articles "The Indictment of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "The Indictment of Hillary Clinton's Lawyer is an Indictment of the Russiagate Wing of U.S. Media." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-indictment-of-hillary-clintons.html
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