Title : "As 'Norwegian Wood' played faintly on a crappy stereo, Courtney led me down a short hallway to the bedroom."
link : "As 'Norwegian Wood' played faintly on a crappy stereo, Courtney led me down a short hallway to the bedroom."
"As 'Norwegian Wood' played faintly on a crappy stereo, Courtney led me down a short hallway to the bedroom."
"I got to the door and opened it to find Kurt lying in a little bed in a little room, his back against the wall, facing the doorway, his shocking blue eyes gazing at me through the subdued lighting. His bare feet stuck out past the bedsheets, and his toenails were painted a rosy hue. The smell of jasmine flowers wafted through the screen of the window above his head. To this day, whenever I smell jasmine I’m transported to that moment. 'Hi,' he said, and two things struck me instantly. The first was: oh, wow, I know this guy. He wasn’t some sort of rock-and-roll space alien—he was actually like a lot of the stoners I went to high school with. (I was kind of a stoner in high school myself.)... I asked Kurt what he was like as a kid, and he said something about being small for his age. I stood up, unfurled my wiry five-foot-six-inch frame, and said, in a theatrically manly voice, 'I don’t know what you’re talking about!' We exchanged smiles, and our bond grew from there. Somehow I got to talking about Arlo Guthrie’s 'The Motorcycle Song' and how I’d play it on the family record player and run around the house pretending I was a motorcycle. And Kurt said, 'I did that, too!'"From "My Time with Kurt Cobain/Befriending a rock star isn’t necessarily as cool as you’d think—particularly when tragedy happens" by Michael Azerrad (The New Yorker).
Thus articles "As 'Norwegian Wood' played faintly on a crappy stereo, Courtney led me down a short hallway to the bedroom."
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You now read the article "As 'Norwegian Wood' played faintly on a crappy stereo, Courtney led me down a short hallway to the bedroom." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/09/as-norwegian-wood-played-faintly-on.html
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