Title : "The Wisconsin rock episode was a textbook demonstration of the difference between sincere activism and playacting..."
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"The Wisconsin rock episode was a textbook demonstration of the difference between sincere activism and playacting..."
"... out of a desire to join the civil rights struggle in a time when the problems are so much more abstract than they once were. The true fault here lies with the school’s administration, whose deer tails popped up as they bolted into the forest, out of a fear of going against the commandments of what we today call antiracism, which apparently includes treating Black people as simpletons and thinking of it as reckoning. True wokeness would have been to awaken to the tricky but urgent civic responsibility of, when necessary, calling out Black people on nonsense. Yes, even Black people can be wrong.... To pretend this is never the case where racism is concerned is not to reckon but to dehumanize.... Likely: the authorities caved in so that students wouldn’t call them racists on social media. This entailed a basic dismissal of these students’ mental and moral capacity: Having the rock removed showed that these people apparently didn’t expect that Black kids were capable of distinguishing, reflection, sense..... [T]he rock episode was... performance art... it’s fake, it’s self-involved, and it helps no one. Yes, racism persists in our society in many ways, and administrators serving up craven condescension as antiracism are fine examples of it."Writes John McWhorter, in "The Performative Antiracism of Black Students at the U. of Wisconsin" (NYT).
Interestingly, the NYT prints out the word "n***erhead," which I won't spell out here. The rock was known to have been called that ONCE, back in the 1920s, in the Wisconsin State Journal, and that was the basis for removing the rock. So it's very bold for the NYT to print the word. I presume McWhorter insisted on it, and perhaps he will write about that.
More importantly, McWhorter accused the University of Wisconsin administration of racism. It was racism, he says, to behave as if the students were making sense when they were not.
Thus articles "The Wisconsin rock episode was a textbook demonstration of the difference between sincere activism and playacting..."
that is all articles "The Wisconsin rock episode was a textbook demonstration of the difference between sincere activism and playacting..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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