Title : "The last vestiges of the American presence in Afghanistan have departed Kabul airport..."
link : "The last vestiges of the American presence in Afghanistan have departed Kabul airport..."
"The last vestiges of the American presence in Afghanistan have departed Kabul airport..."
"In recent days, American military leaders said the United States would continue evacuation efforts and fully withdraw by Aug. 31. But those efforts were wrapped up a full day early. Evacuation flights ended on Monday, and the military finished packing everything it intended to fly out of the airport onto transport planes before loading the remaining U.S. service members onto planes for departure. Control of the airport was left in the hands of the Taliban.... The Taliban’s chief negotiator, Sher Mohammed Abas Stanekzai, said Friday that the group would not stop people from departing, no matter their nationality or whether they had worked for the United States...."Thus articles "The last vestiges of the American presence in Afghanistan have departed Kabul airport..."
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