Title : "My neighbor across the hall installed a Ring camera that captures the entire floor. It faces my apartment directly..."
link : "My neighbor across the hall installed a Ring camera that captures the entire floor. It faces my apartment directly..."
"My neighbor across the hall installed a Ring camera that captures the entire floor. It faces my apartment directly..."
"... providing a clear view inside whenever I open the door. Aside from the fact that it’s uncomfortable knowing that all my comings and goings are being recorded, I wonder if this is legal."The columnist says the tenant's only hope — other than a direct appeal to the neighbor — is to ask the landlord require the removal of the camera. Though the landlord can object to the installation of anything, the tenant alone can do nothing because there's no expectation of privacy in the common areas, and that includes sightlines from the common areas into your apartment whenever you open your door.
It's such an intrusion to install a Ring camera that goes straight into your neighbor's apartment! And yet, it's an intrusion to share a hallway, just an old-time-y intrusion that we don't think much about. But if you want the protection of a Ring camera — so that you don't open your door to strangers or let bad people figure out that no one is home inside — you've got to impose on your neighbors. It seems awful, but as time wears on, it will seem more and more normal, and tenants will probably settle into the idea that these cameras protect everyone, and isn't it easy enough to slink through a slightly cracked open door whenever you come and go?
In the comments over there, somebody has a legal concept that the columnist didn't address: "Ring has an audio component which has eavesdropping capability. Audio recording without consent is a violation of the NY Penal Code. Amazon Ring is illegal in a setting where conversations can be recorded. The writer of this letter should speak to the community liaison at the local police department." That's awfully extreme. The audio can be disabled, and it's insane to go to the police without finding out that the audio is not disabled.
Thus articles "My neighbor across the hall installed a Ring camera that captures the entire floor. It faces my apartment directly..."
that is all articles "My neighbor across the hall installed a Ring camera that captures the entire floor. It faces my apartment directly..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "My neighbor across the hall installed a Ring camera that captures the entire floor. It faces my apartment directly..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/08/my-neighbor-across-hall-installed-ring.html
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