Title : "In Kabul on Wednesday, women in parts of the city with minimal Taliban presence were going out 'with normal clothes, as it was before the Taliban'..."
link : "In Kabul on Wednesday, women in parts of the city with minimal Taliban presence were going out 'with normal clothes, as it was before the Taliban'..."
"In Kabul on Wednesday, women in parts of the city with minimal Taliban presence were going out 'with normal clothes, as it was before the Taliban'..."
"... said a resident named Shabaka. But in central areas with many Taliban fighters, few women ventured out, and those who did wore burqas, said Sayed, a civil servant," the NYT reports in "A Taliban spokesman urges women to stay home because fighters haven’t been trained to respect them" (NYT).The spokesman said "We are worried our forces who are new and have not been yet trained very well may mistreat women" and "We don’t want our forces, God forbid, to harm or harass women" and advised women to stay home "until we have a new procedure."
The Times quotes someone at Human Rights Watch: "They’re trying to look normal and legitimate, and this will last as long as the international community and the international press are still there. And then we’ll see what they’re really like again....This announcement just highlights to me that they don’t feel like they need to wait."
Thus articles "In Kabul on Wednesday, women in parts of the city with minimal Taliban presence were going out 'with normal clothes, as it was before the Taliban'..."
that is all articles "In Kabul on Wednesday, women in parts of the city with minimal Taliban presence were going out 'with normal clothes, as it was before the Taliban'..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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