Title : "At least 24 students from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon [California] and 16 parents are stranded in Afghanistan after taking a summer trip abroad."
link : "At least 24 students from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon [California] and 16 parents are stranded in Afghanistan after taking a summer trip abroad."
"At least 24 students from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon [California] and 16 parents are stranded in Afghanistan after taking a summer trip abroad."
The L.A. Times reports.This is terrible, but who would take American students on a trip to Afghanistan this summer?!
Cajon Valley Supt. David Miyashiro... said that the families are on special visas for U.S. military service and that the Department of Defense considers them allies.... Cajon Valley School Board member Jo Alegria said the students were in Afghanistan on summer vacation with their families.
Thus articles "At least 24 students from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon [California] and 16 parents are stranded in Afghanistan after taking a summer trip abroad."
that is all articles "At least 24 students from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon [California] and 16 parents are stranded in Afghanistan after taking a summer trip abroad." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "At least 24 students from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon [California] and 16 parents are stranded in Afghanistan after taking a summer trip abroad." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/08/at-least-24-students-from-cajon-valley.html
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