Title : "As someone who personally helped resettle over 30 Afghan SIV families in 2017, here is what the local residents can expect. First, the fathers all speak English..."
link : "As someone who personally helped resettle over 30 Afghan SIV families in 2017, here is what the local residents can expect. First, the fathers all speak English..."
"As someone who personally helped resettle over 30 Afghan SIV families in 2017, here is what the local residents can expect. First, the fathers all speak English..."
"... and most have a college degree. They either worked with US soldiers on the battlefield and working with local villagers. Some worked on US AID programs or helped staff the US embassy. Many are engineers or accountants. They usually have several young children and a wife who does not speak English (some exceptions to that). They need affordable housing, jobs and a low cost used car (so that they can work as delivery men). The wives want to learn English quickly so an ESL program is important. The young children will learn English within a few months just by being in a classroom setting. Access to healthcare is also important (they all receive Medicaid cards)."That a comment at "Wisconsin towns await influx of Afghans — and wonder what it will mean" (WaPo)(reporting on "thousands" of Afghan refugees arriving at the Fort McCoy Army base near Sparta and Tomah, Wisconsin).
It's not the highest-rated comment. The highest-rated comment is: "Well, I don't imagine they'll attack the U.S. Capitol, so they'll certainly make better citizens than Republicans." That's nastily partisan and poorly written. There's unintended ambiguity, suggesting that the refugees will not make good Republicans. I presume the commenter meant to assert that Republicans don't make good citizens.
Thus articles "As someone who personally helped resettle over 30 Afghan SIV families in 2017, here is what the local residents can expect. First, the fathers all speak English..."
that is all articles "As someone who personally helped resettle over 30 Afghan SIV families in 2017, here is what the local residents can expect. First, the fathers all speak English..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "As someone who personally helped resettle over 30 Afghan SIV families in 2017, here is what the local residents can expect. First, the fathers all speak English..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/08/as-someone-who-personally-helped.html
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