Title : After 37 years as a cable TV customer, I finally did it. I cancelled!
link : After 37 years as a cable TV customer, I finally did it. I cancelled!
After 37 years as a cable TV customer, I finally did it. I cancelled!
Don't even ask me how many months I continued to pay over $200 a month for TV service that I barely used at all. If I want to watch TV, I go to Netflix or Amazon Prime or YouTube, not the AT&T U-Verse that was costing so much. I knew I was throwing money away delaying calling, and it wasn't at all that I was clinging to it, thinking maybe I'd miss it. It was purely my resistance to the administrative work of making the phone call.
Thus articles After 37 years as a cable TV customer, I finally did it. I cancelled!
that is all articles After 37 years as a cable TV customer, I finally did it. I cancelled! This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article After 37 years as a cable TV customer, I finally did it. I cancelled! with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/07/after-37-years-as-cable-tv-customer-i.html
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