Title : "The 2009 film 'Cart' illustrates what Dr. Lienhard called the 'symbiotic relationship' of humans and shopping carts."
link : "The 2009 film 'Cart' illustrates what Dr. Lienhard called the 'symbiotic relationship' of humans and shopping carts."
"The 2009 film 'Cart' illustrates what Dr. Lienhard called the 'symbiotic relationship' of humans and shopping carts."
"In the film, a shopping cart is given a mind of its own, navigating the perils of city streets as it searches for a boy who has left his blanket in the basket.... Jesse Rosten, the director, said the idea arose when he and a friend spotted an overturned cart in a parking lot. A sad song was on the radio as they drove past it, adding to the potential for cinematic melancholy. 'We laughed the whole way home, imagining back stories for this down-and-out cart who was struggling against the world,' he said. 'We’ve all seen abandoned shopping carts out in the world, and the film is one take on how carts end up where they do.'"
I put an ellipsis where the article reveals the ending of the movie, which we watched here at Meadhouse. It's 10 minutes and we were predicting different endings, all of which I like better than the actual ending, so don't get too fixated on the actual ending...
I predict that — if you watch this — you'll predict at least 2 endings that you'll like better than the actual ending.
Thus articles "The 2009 film 'Cart' illustrates what Dr. Lienhard called the 'symbiotic relationship' of humans and shopping carts."
You now read the article "The 2009 film 'Cart' illustrates what Dr. Lienhard called the 'symbiotic relationship' of humans and shopping carts." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/06/the-2009-film-cart-illustrates-what-dr.html
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