Title : "In fact, I don’t even believe that most people have any real concept of what critical race theory is."
link : "In fact, I don’t even believe that most people have any real concept of what critical race theory is."
"In fact, I don’t even believe that most people have any real concept of what critical race theory is."
"It’s just a collection of words that hint, to them, at agitation and aggrievement: a theory that mentions race and that is critical, or, in their minds, criticizes.... So the rush by states across the country to ban the teaching of critical race theory in schools isn’t really about a real threat. Very few schools even teach C.R.T. as a core part of their curriculums, if at all... This attack on critical race theory is no different than the rush during the Obama administration by states to ban Shariah law in state courts, even though there was absolutely no threat that Shariah law would be recognized or used in those courts.... The freakout about critical race theory is also not dissimilar from the ongoing attack on trans people, particularly people who were assigned male at birth.... Now states are moving to ban trans girls and women from participating in high school and college sports, although this is not really an issue...."Writes Charles M. Blow in "Demonizing Critical Race Theory" (NYT).
If "most people" lack "any real concept of what critical race theory is," then why don't Democrats and others communicate the information? Instead, as Blow describes in his column, Republicans use the term to generate anxiety about what those terrible left-wingers want to do to us.
I challenge proponents of Critical Race Theory to speak to ordinary people in terms they can understand and explain the theory, why it's a theory, and what is meant by "critical." Don't just tell us conclusions and demand that we accept them and don't just introduce another confusing term. That is, don't just say that there is "systemic racism." Explain the theory and what is critical about the theory.
Why can't that be done clearly and straightforwardly? People are right to feel anxious and suspicious about something so big and powerful that can't be talked about. To say "In fact, I don’t even believe that most people have any real concept of what critical race theory is" is to blame the people for failing to understand what isn't being discussed clearly. That's perverse and elitist.
Blow writes "Very few schools even teach C.R.T. as a core part of their curriculums, if at all," but that only shows why it's obtuse to ban teaching CRT. What's being taught are lessons influenced by the CRT ideology. Students are not in danger of becoming empowered to think at the level of the academics who originally propounded the theories, whatever those theories are. They are taught history and other subjects and those subjects may be skewed when they are entitled to the truth and not ideological indoctrination.
Thus articles "In fact, I don’t even believe that most people have any real concept of what critical race theory is."
You now read the article "In fact, I don’t even believe that most people have any real concept of what critical race theory is." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/06/in-fact-i-dont-even-believe-that-most.html
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