Title : Kyrsten Sinema cutely dramatized her "no" to the $15 minimum wage and some people are really mad about it.
link : Kyrsten Sinema cutely dramatized her "no" to the $15 minimum wage and some people are really mad about it.
Kyrsten Sinema cutely dramatized her "no" to the $15 minimum wage and some people are really mad about it.
I'm reading "Sinema Slammed For Exaggerated Thumbs-Down On $15 Minimum Wage" (HuffPo). Here's how it looked:Did Sinema really have vote against a $15 minimum wage for 24 million people like this? pic.twitter.com/Jv0UXLKLHI
— Sawyer Hackett (@SawyerHackett) March 5, 2021
We watched that about 20 times. It's hard to know why she did it like that. At first, we thought maybe she was emulating John McCain, whose dramatic down vote on the GOP health care repeal was done with a distinct hand gesture.
But look at that — here. It's not much like what Sinema did, which was a whole body movement, bouncing down and back up as she did a sassy thumb's down. McCain held his hand out to get attention — because he was voting after the point in the roll call where his name had appeared — and when he got the attention, he briskly pointed his whole hand downward.
McCain took the position that the left loved, and Sinema was on the side the left hates. I can't remember the worst things the right said about McCain and his dramatic moment, but the left is spewing hostility at Sinema. I'll just highlight this from Lawyers, Guns & Money:
I get that Joe Manchin is just a narcissistic conservative asshole having the time of his life. But what the living fuck is this shit?... Of course, she’s claiming that criticism of this grotesque display is sexist...
Thus articles Kyrsten Sinema cutely dramatized her "no" to the $15 minimum wage and some people are really mad about it.
You now read the article Kyrsten Sinema cutely dramatized her "no" to the $15 minimum wage and some people are really mad about it. with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/03/kyrsten-sinema-cutely-dramatized-her-no.html
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