Title : "The original cast of 'The Real World: New York' recently wrapped filming in their original loft at 565 Broadway..."
link : "The original cast of 'The Real World: New York' recently wrapped filming in their original loft at 565 Broadway..."
"The original cast of 'The Real World: New York' recently wrapped filming in their original loft at 565 Broadway..."
"... a source close to production confirmed to Page Six on Thursday after much speculation" (NY Post).Great. I love "The Real World" — at least as it was in the first 3 or 4 seasons. I dropped out after that. The new season will have the cast from the first season, now almost 30 years older. I think when I dropped out of the viewership it was because the people were too young. I started out maybe 10 years older, but that thing went on for 33 seasons. When the people are 20 — or 30 or 40 (!) — years younger than you, their problems and antics get really tiresome. You're talking about a whole season of episodes and getting to know many characters. I seem to remember that after the really excellent 3rd season, things went into decline. I don't think it's merely that I got older and more age-separated from the cast. The show's manipulators seemed bent on getting pretty people to do sexual things to each other. They were always getting into a hot tub and drinking. That's even boring to do, but it's horrible to watch.
Thus articles "The original cast of 'The Real World: New York' recently wrapped filming in their original loft at 565 Broadway..."
that is all articles "The original cast of 'The Real World: New York' recently wrapped filming in their original loft at 565 Broadway..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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