Title : "Semicolons are ugly, pretentious and unnecessary; they immaturely try to have it both ways."
link : "Semicolons are ugly, pretentious and unnecessary; they immaturely try to have it both ways."
"Semicolons are ugly, pretentious and unnecessary; they immaturely try to have it both ways."
"There are so many things to fear in life, but punctuation is not one of them. That semicolons, unlike most other punctuation marks, are fully optional and relatively unusual lends them power; when you use one, you are doing something purposefully, by choice, at a time when motivations are vague and intentions often denied.... Are they ugly? That’s an opinion. Theodor Adorno said they looked like 'a drooping mustache,' but in his view, that’s good — all punctuation marks, and the downtrodden semicolon especially, are 'friendly spirits whose bodiless presence nourishes the body of language'; they ought to be defended. What’s more: Why does your text message, email, tweet, article or book need to be pretty? Is that not also a little pretentious? According to Kurt Vonnegut’s often-taught (and, if you read the full quote, both a little ironic and offensive) advice, 'all they do is show you’ve been to college,' but these days anyone can look up how to use a semicolon.... That semicolons aren’t popular on social media — where oversimplification and directness reign and the presence of too much grammatical flair is likely to limit 'engagement' — is perhaps the only argument some readers will need to be convinced of their value."From "The Case for Semicolons/There are very few opportunities in life to have it both ways; semicolons are the rare instance in which you can; there is absolutely no downside" by Lauren Oyler (NYT).
Thus articles "Semicolons are ugly, pretentious and unnecessary; they immaturely try to have it both ways."
that is all articles "Semicolons are ugly, pretentious and unnecessary; they immaturely try to have it both ways." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "Semicolons are ugly, pretentious and unnecessary; they immaturely try to have it both ways." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/02/semicolons-are-ugly-pretentious-and.html
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