Title : "As mayor, I will regularly get around the city by subway, bus, or bike, because that’s the way most New Yorkers get around..."
link : "As mayor, I will regularly get around the city by subway, bus, or bike, because that’s the way most New Yorkers get around..."
"As mayor, I will regularly get around the city by subway, bus, or bike, because that’s the way most New Yorkers get around..."
"... and that’s how I’ve been getting around for 25 years. I will build bus rapid transit networks like the 14th street busway in every borough. I will have a fully electric bus system by 2030. [inaudible 00:10:59] electric buses. New York can move our people around in a way that’s sustainable for our neighborhoods and our planet. Building this forward-thinking transit network will require municipal control of the city’s subways and buses. As mayor, I will fight to get control of our subways and buses so we can control our own destiny."Said Andrew Yang, announcing his candidacy for mayor of New York City.
What vision! The transportation solution for New York City is buses. Lots of buses. They'll be electric, so that's supposed to be good for the environment, but the method of getting around is the same old method. The bus! I've lived in NYC — 1973 to 1984 and 2007 to 2008 — and the last form of transportation I'd use is the bus. Maybe 3 or 4 times in the early 70s, and never again.
The problems were not anything that would be helped by running the bus on a battery instead of gas. It was that buses were penned in by street traffic, so the wait could be terribly long and you'd know that once you get on, the ride would be slow. There you are, standing at street level, wondering why you didn't just keep walking and whether you'd be where you were going by now if you had.
Thus articles "As mayor, I will regularly get around the city by subway, bus, or bike, because that’s the way most New Yorkers get around..."
that is all articles "As mayor, I will regularly get around the city by subway, bus, or bike, because that’s the way most New Yorkers get around..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "As mayor, I will regularly get around the city by subway, bus, or bike, because that’s the way most New Yorkers get around..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2021/01/as-mayor-i-will-regularly-get-around.html
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