Title : "At the start of this pandemic, I recall feeling both horror at the unfolding calamity, and also a small sense of hope..."
link : "At the start of this pandemic, I recall feeling both horror at the unfolding calamity, and also a small sense of hope..."
"At the start of this pandemic, I recall feeling both horror at the unfolding calamity, and also a small sense of hope..."
"... that as in other times of hardship, people would find ways to change the world for the better. There was talk of community support, mutual aid and the rediscovery of the positive powers of the state to protect its citizens. Much of that has dimmed now, and it often seems that we simply want relief — to go back to the way the world was before, and as soon as possible. We have to get back to that place. Yet this may be the best chance in our lifetimes to break the hold of an industry that, until recently, was rightly vilified."From "Big Pharma Is Fooling Us/Heroic work went into the development of the coronavirus vaccines. But that doesn’t mean this industry deserves your affection" by Stephen Buranyi (NYT).
We have to get back... and we have to change the world.
Thanks for changing the bad new world with the vaccine, but we have to get back to the good old world where we hated you.
Thus articles "At the start of this pandemic, I recall feeling both horror at the unfolding calamity, and also a small sense of hope..."
that is all articles "At the start of this pandemic, I recall feeling both horror at the unfolding calamity, and also a small sense of hope..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "At the start of this pandemic, I recall feeling both horror at the unfolding calamity, and also a small sense of hope..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/12/at-start-of-this-pandemic-i-recall.html
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