Title : "You call a gigantic press conference like that, one that lasts an hour, and you announce massive bombshells, then you better have some bombshells."
link : "You call a gigantic press conference like that, one that lasts an hour, and you announce massive bombshells, then you better have some bombshells."
"You call a gigantic press conference like that, one that lasts an hour, and you announce massive bombshells, then you better have some bombshells."
"There better be something at that press conference other than what we got.... They promised blockbuster stuff, and then nothing happened. And that’s just not good. I mean, if you’re gonna promise blockbuster stuff like that, then there has — now, I understand — look, I’m the one that’s been telling everybody, this stuff doesn’t happen at warp speed, light speed the way cases are made for presentation in court, but if you’re gonna do a press conference like that with the promise of blockbusters, then there has to be something more than what that press conference delivered. Now Sidney Powell is supposedly out, jumped the shark, got out over the skis.... I got a note from a very learned friend who was so let down by that press conference. He said, 'Man, Rush, after that press conference, I was expecting the evidence. I was expecting something to blow this thing to smithereens. I mean, you don’t go out and do a press conference like that with all of those promised bombshells and then zip, zero, nada? So I was expecting there to be some kind of computer expert or hacker who was then going to provide evidence and an example of what they were talking about that was blockbuster, but there was nothing.' And he said 'my real problem with this is it’s making Trump look like he doesn’t know what he’s doing. It’s making Trump look like he’s floundering away out there.'"Thus articles "You call a gigantic press conference like that, one that lasts an hour, and you announce massive bombshells, then you better have some bombshells."
that is all articles "You call a gigantic press conference like that, one that lasts an hour, and you announce massive bombshells, then you better have some bombshells." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "You call a gigantic press conference like that, one that lasts an hour, and you announce massive bombshells, then you better have some bombshells." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/11/you-call-gigantic-press-conference-like.html
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