Title : "The sun is rising, trumpets are playing, all signifying redemption."
link : "The sun is rising, trumpets are playing, all signifying redemption."
"The sun is rising, trumpets are playing, all signifying redemption."
How happy I was to find only that when I searched for "trump" on the page "How Can We Bear This Much Loss?/In William Blake’s engravings for the Book of Job I found a powerful lesson about grief and attachment" by Amitha Kalaichandran (NYT).In Blake’s penultimate illustration in this series Job is pictured with his daughters.... The sun is rising, trumpets are playing, all signifying redemption. Job became a fundamentally changed man after being tested to his core. He has accepted that life is unpredictable and loss is inevitable. Everything is temporary and the only constant, paradoxically, is this state of change.
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You now read the article "The sun is rising, trumpets are playing, all signifying redemption." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-sun-is-rising-trumpets-are-playing.html
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