Title : "Kellyanne Conway announces she's leaving the White House and George Conway is stepping away from Lincoln Project."
link : "Kellyanne Conway announces she's leaving the White House and George Conway is stepping away from Lincoln Project."
"Kellyanne Conway announces she's leaving the White House and George Conway is stepping away from Lincoln Project."
CNN reports."I will be transitioning from the White House at the end of this month. George is also making changes," Kellyanne Conway said in a statement. "We disagree about plenty but we are united on what matters most: the kids. Our four children are teens and 'tweens starting a new academic year, in middle school and high school, remotely from home for at least a few months. As millions of parents nationwide know, kids 'doing school from home' requires a level of attention and vigilance that is as unusual as these times."Here's yesterday's post about Claudia Conway's social-media cry for help.
George Conway tweeted minutes earlier that he was withdrawing from The Lincoln Project -- a group formed by anti-Trump Republicans -- to "devote more time to family matters."...
One of the Conways' high school-aged daughters has generated attention on social media about her family and their political views over the last several months.
Thus articles "Kellyanne Conway announces she's leaving the White House and George Conway is stepping away from Lincoln Project."
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You now read the article "Kellyanne Conway announces she's leaving the White House and George Conway is stepping away from Lincoln Project." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/08/kellyanne-conway-announces-shes-leaving.html
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