Title : With Violent Crime Soaring In New York City, The Mayor Assigns 27 Police Officers To Protect ‘Black Lives Matter’ Mural
link : With Violent Crime Soaring In New York City, The Mayor Assigns 27 Police Officers To Protect ‘Black Lives Matter’ Mural
With Violent Crime Soaring In New York City, The Mayor Assigns 27 Police Officers To Protect ‘Black Lives Matter’ Mural
Summit News: As Violent Crime in New York Soars, De Blasio Assigns 27 Cops to Protect ‘Black Lives Matter’ Mural
Police “not happy” about “getting paid to baby sit paint”.
Even as violent crime and deadly shootings in New York soar, Mayor Bill de Blasio has reportedly assigned no less than 27 cops working in shifts to protect a Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower.
“Just heard that @NYCMayor has 1 & 8 securing the #BlackMindsMatter mural at Trump Tower,” tweeted former police commissioner Bernard Kerik. “That’s one sergeant and eight cops, x 3 tours a day! Violence, shootings, and murder is up in NYC and this clown has three sergeants and 24 cops guarding a mural! If true, #SICKENING.”
His claim was backed up by Derrick Gibson, who is running for governor of New York. Gibson said that he spoke to cops on the scene who said “they are getting paid to baby sit paint, and not happy about it.”
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WNU Editor: You just cannot make this stuff up.
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