Title : "Many white people I know are spilling over with guilt and overzealous attempts to offer sympathy."
link : "Many white people I know are spilling over with guilt and overzealous attempts to offer sympathy."
"Many white people I know are spilling over with guilt and overzealous attempts to offer sympathy."
"I have been avoiding them as best I can.... But brazen as ever, white people who have my phone number are finding a way to drain my time and energy. Some are friends, others old co-workers and acquaintances I’ve intentionally released from my life for the sake of my peace of mind. Every few days I receive a bunch of texts like this one, from last week: 'Hi friend. I just wanted to reach out and let you know I love you and so deeply appreciate you in my life and your stories in the world. And I’m so sorry. This country is deeply broken and sick and racist. I’m sorry. I think I’m tired; meanwhile I’m sleeping in my Snuggie of white privilege. I love you and I’m here to fight and be useful in any way I can be. **Heart emojis**' Almost every message ends with seven oppressive words — 'Don’t feel like you need to respond.' Not only are these people using me as a waste bin for guilt and shame, but they’re also instructing me on what not to feel, silencing me in the process.... You invite me to coddle you and respond to you and tell you it’s not your fault and that you are special. That attacks my dignity. That dehumanizes me...."From "I Don’t Need ‘Love’ Texts From My White Friends/I need them to fight anti-blackness" by Chad Sanders (NYT). Well said.
Chad Sanders is a writer with a new book coming out, the first line of the op-ed tells us. I liked his writing and wanted to promote his book, but I'm coming up with a whole lot of cheesy titles like "Wife Watching 102" under the name Chad Sanders. I presume it's a different Chad Sanders!
ADDED: I'll just note that I do see the opportunity here to analogize the sexual fetish of wife-watching with the white-person fetish of exuding empathy for black people.
Thus articles "Many white people I know are spilling over with guilt and overzealous attempts to offer sympathy."
that is all articles "Many white people I know are spilling over with guilt and overzealous attempts to offer sympathy." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "Many white people I know are spilling over with guilt and overzealous attempts to offer sympathy." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/06/many-white-people-i-know-are-spilling.html
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