Title : "In fact, as of April 8, all 12 COVID-19 deaths in the City of St. Louis were African Americans."
link : "In fact, as of April 8, all 12 COVID-19 deaths in the City of St. Louis were African Americans."
"In fact, as of April 8, all 12 COVID-19 deaths in the City of St. Louis were African Americans."
Wrote Fredrick Echols, director of the City of St. Louis Department of Health, Newsweek reports.He also wrote: "We are learning more about the coronavirus every day, but let me tell you this in no uncertain terms: It doesn't care if you are black, brown, white, red, yellow or some other shade... The idea that African Americans are somehow resistant to it is both untrue and dangerous to the health of our community."
According to Newsweek, there's a belief out there that "African Americans may be more resistant, if not immune, to coronavirus because of their higher levels of melanin." I'm not surprised to see that, because the disease originated in China and was slow to reach Africa, and people were speculating that racial differences mattered. As time has passed, it seems that the black population in the U.S. is more vulnerable — because other health problems. Anthony Fauci listed the conditions that disproportionately afflict African Americans: "diabetes, hypertension, obesity and asthma."
Thus articles "In fact, as of April 8, all 12 COVID-19 deaths in the City of St. Louis were African Americans."
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