Title : "President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden are in a tightly competitive race for the White House in the November general election, with the president gaining ground..."
link : "President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden are in a tightly competitive race for the White House in the November general election, with the president gaining ground..."
"President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden are in a tightly competitive race for the White House in the November general election, with the president gaining ground..."
"... on his likely challenger over the past month as the coronavirus pandemic convulses the country, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. Trump has moved from what was a seven-point deficit in February to a near tie with Biden today. Among registered voters, Biden is favored by 49 percent and Trump by 47 percent.... Trump is more trusted to handle the economy, while Biden is more trusted to deal with health care. When voters are asked whom they trust more to confront the coronavirus outbreak, the difference between the two is statistically insignificant."WaPo reports.
The "statistically insignificant" difference on coronavirus is Trump 47%, Biden 43%. It's strange that "health care" is a completely different topic, but you know that "health care" means how to pay for it — insurance. When it comes to coronavirus, the how-to-pay-for-it subject flies out the window. Pay anything! Pay everything! If we don't fix this, we've got nothing!
Anyway, it's a strange matter to compare Trump and Biden on coronavirus. Trump is actively engaged in solving the problem, and we've got to be hoping he'll be effective, though I suspect there are some Americans who care more about installing the Democratic Party into power for the next 4 years than they care about getting us out of this jam. But the idea of Biden stepping in... that's not even something that can happen for 10 months. Who can think about Biden somehow doing better than Trump 10 months from now?!
Thus articles "President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden are in a tightly competitive race for the White House in the November general election, with the president gaining ground..."
that is all articles "President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden are in a tightly competitive race for the White House in the November general election, with the president gaining ground..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden are in a tightly competitive race for the White House in the November general election, with the president gaining ground..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/03/president-trump-and-former-vice.html
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