Title : "My literary heroes were not Julien Sorel, Raskolnikov, or the local yokels of Yoknapatawpha County; they were Batman, Superman, the Flash, the Sub-Mariner, Hawkman."
link : "My literary heroes were not Julien Sorel, Raskolnikov, or the local yokels of Yoknapatawpha County; they were Batman, Superman, the Flash, the Sub-Mariner, Hawkman."
"My literary heroes were not Julien Sorel, Raskolnikov, or the local yokels of Yoknapatawpha County; they were Batman, Superman, the Flash, the Sub-Mariner, Hawkman."
"Yes, and Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny and Archie Andrews. Folks, you are reading the autobiography of a misanthropic gangster-loving illiterate; an uncultivated loner who sat in front of a three-way mirror practicing with a deck of cards so he could palm off an ace of spades, render it invisible from any angle, and hustle some pots."From Woody Allen's "Apropos of Nothing."
Also: "I always took to anything that required solitude, like practicing sleight of hand or playing a horn or writing, as it kept me from having to deal with other humans who, for no explainable reason, I didn’t like nor trust. I say 'no reason' because I came from a large, loving, extended family who were all nice to me. It’s like I was a genetically born louse."
Julien Sorel is the protagonist of "The Red and the Black." I had to look it up... even though I read "The Red and the Black"... about 50 years ago. Do people still feel like they need to have read "The Red and the Black"? Well, back in the old days, we did.
As for the Sub-Mariner and Hawkman — never even heard of them.
Thus articles "My literary heroes were not Julien Sorel, Raskolnikov, or the local yokels of Yoknapatawpha County; they were Batman, Superman, the Flash, the Sub-Mariner, Hawkman."
that is all articles "My literary heroes were not Julien Sorel, Raskolnikov, or the local yokels of Yoknapatawpha County; they were Batman, Superman, the Flash, the Sub-Mariner, Hawkman." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "My literary heroes were not Julien Sorel, Raskolnikov, or the local yokels of Yoknapatawpha County; they were Batman, Superman, the Flash, the Sub-Mariner, Hawkman." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/03/my-literary-heroes-were-not-julien.html
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