Title : U.S. State Department Overruled The CDC And President Trump And Sent Covid-19 Infected Evacuees Back To The US From Japan
link : U.S. State Department Overruled The CDC And President Trump And Sent Covid-19 Infected Evacuees Back To The US From Japan
U.S. State Department Overruled The CDC And President Trump And Sent Covid-19 Infected Evacuees Back To The US From Japan
State Department underlings made the quick decision to allow them onto the flights, but separated from the other passengers withing bio-containment units (seen in background)
Daily Mail: Trump was 'furious' that 14 Americans infected with coronavirus boarded a plane back to the US from Japan without his permission, which officials admit was a 'big mistake'
* President Trump is furious that infected evacuees were flown back to US from Japan last Saturday
* Decision was made on the fly after infections were confirmed at last minute at the Tokyo airport
* US evacuated 328 passengers from coronavirus cruise ship Diamond Princess in Japan last week
* But any confirmed infected or symptomatic cases were supposed to remain in Japan for treatment
* State Department overruled CDC objections and decided to bring the 14 back anyway
* Trump reportedly blasted aides for not telling him, saying he disagreed with the decision
President Donald Trump is reportedly furious after underlings at the State Department decided to fly 14 Diamond Princess passengers who tested positive for coronavirus back to the U.S. without telling him, and against his wishes.
Trump had been told last Saturday that only evacuees who didn't have symptoms or positive test results would be allowed on State Department charter planes back to the US from Japan, according to the Washington Post.
Officials on the ground realized late in the evacuation process, on the airport tarmac in Tokyo, that 14 of the roughly 350 evacuees had tested positive for the virus.
State Department underlings made the quick decision to allow the infected citizens onto the flights, but separated from the other passengers within portable bio-containment units that were already on the planes, in case passengers showed symptoms during the flight.
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WNU Editor: The person who made the decision to override the President AND the CDC and allow individuals sick with the coronavirus to return to the US is Ian G. Brownlee, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs. How can someone who works in the U.S. State Department make a decision on a dire health issue even though he as no medical qualifications? When I worked as a diplomat and I did something like this, I would have been recalled immediately and fired. Why is this State Department employee still in his job?
Thus articles U.S. State Department Overruled The CDC And President Trump And Sent Covid-19 Infected Evacuees Back To The US From Japan
that is all articles U.S. State Department Overruled The CDC And President Trump And Sent Covid-19 Infected Evacuees Back To The US From Japan This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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