Title : "President Donald Trump's campaign manager deleted a tweet featuring a dramatic photo of Air Force One at the Daytona 500 after users pointed out that..."
link : "President Donald Trump's campaign manager deleted a tweet featuring a dramatic photo of Air Force One at the Daytona 500 after users pointed out that..."
"President Donald Trump's campaign manager deleted a tweet featuring a dramatic photo of Air Force One at the Daytona 500 after users pointed out that..."
"... the shot was from President George W. Bush's visit to the NASCAR race in 2004, not from Trump's visit on Sunday."CNN reports.
I'm going to use my old tag "the Air Force 1 photo op." The "the" is confusing here. The tag was created to cover what was easily recognized at the time as the Air Force 1 photo op. Do you remember it?
Here's my one post on the subject, from May 9, 2009, linking to the CS Monitor article, "Aide resigns over Air Force One fiasco -- Biden not involved"
"Once news broke that an Air Force One jet buzzed Lower Manhattan for a photo op, do you think Obama aides checked to see where Vice President Biden was?"Why bring up Biden like that? I have to infer that he was the butt of jokes at the time. But who remembers that now?
Anyway, what can we say about the use of Air Force One to show off the glory of the United States presidency? Whether Brad Parscale tweeted the right photograph or not is a piddling matter, but the use of the plane for visual messaging — as opposed to mere transportation — deserves some attention, and I just want the analysis to be the same whoever the President is.
It's got to be so unpleasant for anti-Trumpsters to see the man showing up at the big NASCAR event. This sort of attack must be irresistible (but I've got to assume they'd stress the charisma and unifying power of a Democratic politician who ventures into NASCAR territory):
Using the official apparatus of government for what appears to be a political event https://t.co/GWNm8io8O1— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) February 16, 2020
Thus articles "President Donald Trump's campaign manager deleted a tweet featuring a dramatic photo of Air Force One at the Daytona 500 after users pointed out that..."
that is all articles "President Donald Trump's campaign manager deleted a tweet featuring a dramatic photo of Air Force One at the Daytona 500 after users pointed out that..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "President Donald Trump's campaign manager deleted a tweet featuring a dramatic photo of Air Force One at the Daytona 500 after users pointed out that..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/02/president-donald-trumps-campaign.html
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