Title : Michael Moore leads the way in the "stop Warren" effort... but you have to listen to his podcast to get the details.
link : Michael Moore leads the way in the "stop Warren" effort... but you have to listen to his podcast to get the details.
Michael Moore leads the way in the "stop Warren" effort... but you have to listen to his podcast to get the details.
I said I wanted to do a separate post about whatever it was Michael Moore said that got Drudge to link with the teaser "MICHAEL MOORE: She Stuck Knife in Back...," but on clicking, I see it's a whole podcast...Elizabeth & Bernie have appeared in my films. I love them both. Why Elizabeth chose to stick a knife in Bernie’s back is beyond me. At a time when job #1 is to remove Trump, how did this help? My new RUMBLE podcast “The Sad Downfall of Elizabeth Warren.” https://t.co/uFwOFNka9U— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) January 15, 2020
... so that's not blog ready. That's a side road I won't take the off-ramp for. I will continue down the highway and go for the debate transcript. I've already done my close analysis of 16 seconds of the after-debate gesturing between Bernie and Warren, and what I really want to do is to see what they said about the miniature controversy that's been stirred up over whether Bernie ever said that a woman cannot beat Trump.
Just as I have no time — well, really, patience — for a podcast right now, I could not put up with sitting through the 2-hour debate last night. I DVR'd it, and I started to watch it, but it didn't begin until 8, and I'd already maxed out my TV-watching capacity MORE TO COME
Thus articles Michael Moore leads the way in the "stop Warren" effort... but you have to listen to his podcast to get the details.
that is all articles Michael Moore leads the way in the "stop Warren" effort... but you have to listen to his podcast to get the details. This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article Michael Moore leads the way in the "stop Warren" effort... but you have to listen to his podcast to get the details. with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/01/michael-moore-leads-way-in-stop-warren.html
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