Title : "For Liz, the loneliness of the weekend is exacerbated by an additional, painful sense that she is not only alone but locked out – 'banned from the weekend'..."
link : "For Liz, the loneliness of the weekend is exacerbated by an additional, painful sense that she is not only alone but locked out – 'banned from the weekend'..."
"For Liz, the loneliness of the weekend is exacerbated by an additional, painful sense that she is not only alone but locked out – 'banned from the weekend'..."
"Between Monday and Friday, she enjoys her neighbourhood, but at the weekend, the streets and parks seem to transform. They become questioning, forbidding, to the extent that Liz wonders if she has 'absorbed' her loneliness from her environment, now full of couples, families, groups. 'What’s interesting to me is that I’ll sit on my own in a cafe easily in the week,' she says. But the same cafe at the weekend is a space she cannot enter. Even walking the dog takes on a different cast. 'I don’t feel conscious at all during the week' – but on a Sunday morning, the same walk feels acutely sad."From "The agony of weekend loneliness: ‘I won't speak to another human until Monday’" (The Guardian).
Thus articles "For Liz, the loneliness of the weekend is exacerbated by an additional, painful sense that she is not only alone but locked out – 'banned from the weekend'..."
that is all articles "For Liz, the loneliness of the weekend is exacerbated by an additional, painful sense that she is not only alone but locked out – 'banned from the weekend'..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "For Liz, the loneliness of the weekend is exacerbated by an additional, painful sense that she is not only alone but locked out – 'banned from the weekend'..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2020/01/for-liz-loneliness-of-weekend-is.html
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