Title : "Nancy Pelosi just got duped in an interview to admitting that she has been working on impeaching me for 'two and a half years.'"
link : "Nancy Pelosi just got duped in an interview to admitting that she has been working on impeaching me for 'two and a half years.'"
"Nancy Pelosi just got duped in an interview to admitting that she has been working on impeaching me for 'two and a half years.'"
"In other words, she lied. This was the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats plan all along, long before the Ukraine phone call. Impeachment Hoax!"Tweets Trump this morning. He doesn't link to an article or video with that quote or even say who the interviewer was or what was the question that "duped" her. I tried looking it up and was unsuccessful. Anybody know?
Thus articles "Nancy Pelosi just got duped in an interview to admitting that she has been working on impeaching me for 'two and a half years.'"
that is all articles "Nancy Pelosi just got duped in an interview to admitting that she has been working on impeaching me for 'two and a half years.'" This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "Nancy Pelosi just got duped in an interview to admitting that she has been working on impeaching me for 'two and a half years.'" with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2019/12/nancy-pelosi-just-got-duped-in.html
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