Title : "Yes adderall is passed around D.C. like candy, and many of your favorite journalists also do meth."
link : "Yes adderall is passed around D.C. like candy, and many of your favorite journalists also do meth."
"Yes adderall is passed around D.C. like candy, and many of your favorite journalists also do meth."
Yes adderall is passed around D.C. like candy, and many of your favorite journalists also do meth. https://t.co/ruZsT2Pbua— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) April 4, 2019
I have no idea whether this is true, but I will just say that I would not watch a newsperson or commentator on TV if I knew they were on such drugs. And I do have an aversion to the TV news and news commentary shows. Perhaps those 2 things fit together. I would read an article even if I knew the person used meth or adderall. You're not staring at a human face. You're not hearing the human voice. You're looking at words, and it's a subtler thing, the way drugs get into the words.
Anyway, I wonder how much of the intensity and anxiety in the TV newspeople can be understood as symptomatic of drug use. When I do watch some news TV (almost always because I'm with someone else), I study and comment upon the faces, some of which have an insane and weird expression. From a summary of symptoms of chronic abuse of Adderall:
Chronic abuse is marked by severe rash, insomnia, irritability and personality changes. The most severe symptom of abuse is psychosis, which is often clinically indistinguishable from schizophrenia, according to the FDA. Toxic symptoms from taking an overdose of Adderall can come at low doses. Initial signs of an overdose include restlessness, tremor, confusion, hallucinations and panic, the FDA says. After this central stimulation, the patient will undergo fatigue, depression, and often cardiovascular and gastrointestinal symptoms....Irritability, restlessness, hallucinations, panic.... Where do you see that on TV news commentary?
Whether these people are jacking themselves up with drugs or not, it's a bad idea to fill your evening staring into these anxious faces and hearing their intense chatter. I was watching one of those shows yesterday — I won't say which one — and they were talking about the possibility that Attorney General Barr misrepresented what is in the Barr report. There was loud, fast talking; darting, over-wide eyes; and hand gestures so big that I paused the show and exclaimed that it looked like a wild late-night party. It's screwy to be sitting, relaxed and passive in your lounge chair, and letting these weird humans have their way with your mind.
Thus articles "Yes adderall is passed around D.C. like candy, and many of your favorite journalists also do meth."
that is all articles "Yes adderall is passed around D.C. like candy, and many of your favorite journalists also do meth." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "Yes adderall is passed around D.C. like candy, and many of your favorite journalists also do meth." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2019/04/yes-adderall-is-passed-around-dc-like.html
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