Title : "The Eighth Amendment has never been understood to guarantee a condemned inmate a painless death. That’s a luxury not guaranteed to many people..."
link : "The Eighth Amendment has never been understood to guarantee a condemned inmate a painless death. That’s a luxury not guaranteed to many people..."
"The Eighth Amendment has never been understood to guarantee a condemned inmate a painless death. That’s a luxury not guaranteed to many people..."
"... including most victims of capital crimes. What the Eighth Amendment does guarantee is a method of execution that not 'cruel and unusual,'" said Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, announcing the decision in Bucklew v. Precythe today, reported in "Divided Supreme Court rules against death row inmate with rare condition" (WaPo).Missouri plans to use an injection of a single drug, pentobarbital, to carry out the execution of Bucklew. But he suffers from a congenital and rare disease called cavernous hemangioma. It causes blood-filled tumors to grow in his head, neck and throat, which his attorneys say could rupture during the state’s lethal injection process.The most-up-voted comment is: "Ah yes, conservative 'pro-life' justices strike again...." Another highly rated comment is: "So the right-to-lifers on the court show their true colors again. Hypocrites all." I'll just observe that one could be a non-hypocrite by embracing a narrow interpretation of the scope of constitutional rights and say: 1. The right against cruel and unusual punishment doesn't guarantee a painfree execution, and 2. The right to due process doesn't require access to abortion. I'm stressing constitutional interpretation, but it's obviously also compelling to fight the accusation of hypocrisy in terms of empathy and distinguish the innocent unborn child from a man who was convicted of heinous crimes. It's quite strange that people subscribe to the pro-life "hypocrisy" argument. I guess they confirm each other. It's gets #1 comment status at WaPo. But it's such a bad argument.
Justice Stephen G. Breyer, writing for the liberal dissenters, said Bucklew had developed persuasive evidence that lethal injection could cause him to “sputter, choke, and suffocate on his own blood for up to several minutes before he dies.”...
In 1996, Bucklew, now 50, stalked his former girlfriend Stephanie Ray at another man’s trailer. He shot and killed the man, Michael Sanders, tried to shoot Ray’s fleeing child and then captured Ray. He handcuffed and raped her, then wounded a police officer in a subsequent gunfight. Bucklew later escaped from jail and attacked Ray’s mother with a hammer before he was recaptured.
And I'm saying that as someone who is opposed to the death penalty and in favor of access to abortion.
Thus articles "The Eighth Amendment has never been understood to guarantee a condemned inmate a painless death. That’s a luxury not guaranteed to many people..."
that is all articles "The Eighth Amendment has never been understood to guarantee a condemned inmate a painless death. That’s a luxury not guaranteed to many people..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "The Eighth Amendment has never been understood to guarantee a condemned inmate a painless death. That’s a luxury not guaranteed to many people..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-eighth-amendment-has-never-been.html
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