Title : "American tourist rescued after being kidnapped in Uganda" — "rescued" = the tour company paid a $500,000 ransom.
link : "American tourist rescued after being kidnapped in Uganda" — "rescued" = the tour company paid a $500,000 ransom.
"American tourist rescued after being kidnapped in Uganda" — "rescued" = the tour company paid a $500,000 ransom.
I'm deciphering euphemisms in Daily News headlines.You have to read a way into the article to get to:
Endicott and Remezo were kidnapped at gunpoint Tuesday and held hostage for a $500,000 ransom.... The touring company, Wild Frontiers, paid a ransom in a “quiet and peaceful” handover, a source with knowledge of the exchange told CNN. Wild Frontiers did not return a request for comment."Released" is a better word choice than "rescued."
“Pleased to report that the American tourist and tour guide that were abducted in Uganda have been released,” President Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon. “God bless them and their families!”
I suppose people think that if there's a touring company, it's fine to go to whatever foreign country you've decided is on your "bucket list." I thought that before getting to the part of the article that quotes the woman's friend, using that awful term "bucket list": “She’s a very spontaneous and independent woman, she loves to travel and it was on her bucket list … to go to Uganda, to see the gorillas, to go trekking."
Thus articles "American tourist rescued after being kidnapped in Uganda" — "rescued" = the tour company paid a $500,000 ransom.
that is all articles "American tourist rescued after being kidnapped in Uganda" — "rescued" = the tour company paid a $500,000 ransom. This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "American tourist rescued after being kidnapped in Uganda" — "rescued" = the tour company paid a $500,000 ransom. with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2019/04/american-tourist-rescued-after-being.html
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