Title : "All that was left to bring back to the camp was the poacher's bloodied head some clothes."
link : "All that was left to bring back to the camp was the poacher's bloodied head some clothes."
"All that was left to bring back to the camp was the poacher's bloodied head some clothes."
From "Rhino poacher trampled to death by elephants then eaten by lions at Kruger National Park in South Africa" (The Sun).Four other poachers... described how an angry elephant surprised them as they stalked endangered rhino and stamped their friend to death giving them a chance to run for safety.Here, we only got the head.
Kruger Park Rangers... found what was left of the poacher on Thursday but it appeared he had been eaten by a lion pride....
KNP managing executive Glenn Phillips said: “It was very sad to see the daughters of the deceased man mourning the loss of their father, and worse still, only being able to recover very little of his remains.”
Thus articles "All that was left to bring back to the camp was the poacher's bloodied head some clothes."
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You now read the article "All that was left to bring back to the camp was the poacher's bloodied head some clothes." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2019/04/all-that-was-left-to-bring-back-to-camp.html
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