Title : "Now the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s failure to exhibit 'Salvator Mundi' as promised has revived doubts about whether it is Leonardo’s at all..."
link : "Now the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s failure to exhibit 'Salvator Mundi' as promised has revived doubts about whether it is Leonardo’s at all..."
"Now the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s failure to exhibit 'Salvator Mundi' as promised has revived doubts about whether it is Leonardo’s at all..."
"... with skeptics speculating that the new owner may fear public scrutiny.... Others have argued that the painting was so extensively restored by Professor Modestini that it is as much her work as Leonardo’s," the NYT reports in "A Leonardo Made a $450 Million Splash. Now There’s No Sign of It."Believed to have been painted around 1500, “Salvator Mundi” was one of two similar works listed in an inventory of the collection of King Charles I of England after his execution in 1649, Professor [Martin] Kemp said. But the painting disappeared from the historical record in the late 18th century.Here's a time-lapse view of the restoration, beginning with the "drug-crazed hippie" and ending with Professor Modestini's vision:
The painting sold at the record auction later turned up in the collection of a 19th-century British industrialist. It had been so heavily painted over that “it looked like a drug-crazed hippie,” Professor Kemp said, and it was attributed at the time to one of Leonardo’s followers. In 1958, it was sold out of that collection for the equivalent of $1,350 in today’s dollars.
The claim that the painting was the work of Leonardo himself originated after a pair of dealers spotted it at an auction in New Orleans in 2005 and brought it to Professor Modestini of N.Y.U.
She stripped away overpainting, repaired damage made by a split in the wood panel, and restored details. Among other things, one of Jesus’s hands appeared to have two thumbs, possibly because the artist changed his mind about where the thumb should be and painted over the original thumb. It had been exposed by scraping later on, and Professor Modestini covered the thumb she believed Leonardo did not want.
Thus articles "Now the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s failure to exhibit 'Salvator Mundi' as promised has revived doubts about whether it is Leonardo’s at all..."
that is all articles "Now the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s failure to exhibit 'Salvator Mundi' as promised has revived doubts about whether it is Leonardo’s at all..." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "Now the Louvre Abu Dhabi’s failure to exhibit 'Salvator Mundi' as promised has revived doubts about whether it is Leonardo’s at all..." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2019/03/now-louvre-abu-dhabis-failure-to.html
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