Title : "A comedian with no political experience has won the most votes in the first round of Ukraine's presidential elections, according to exit polls."
link : "A comedian with no political experience has won the most votes in the first round of Ukraine's presidential elections, according to exit polls."
"A comedian with no political experience has won the most votes in the first round of Ukraine's presidential elections, according to exit polls."
"They say Volodymyr Zelenskiy - who played the president on TV - received 30.4% of the vote, with current leader Petro Poroshenko second on 17.8%," BBC reports.Thus articles "A comedian with no political experience has won the most votes in the first round of Ukraine's presidential elections, according to exit polls."
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You now read the article "A comedian with no political experience has won the most votes in the first round of Ukraine's presidential elections, according to exit polls." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2019/03/a-comedian-with-no-political-experience.html
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