Title : "What made Warhol thrilling in 1962 acquired a bitter aura in November 2016."
link : "What made Warhol thrilling in 1962 acquired a bitter aura in November 2016."
"What made Warhol thrilling in 1962 acquired a bitter aura in November 2016."
" As [Adam D. Weinberg, the director of the Whitney Museum] points out, Donald Trump has made admiring reference to Warhol and his dictum 'Making money is art, and working is art, and good business is the best art.' What to make, then, in an era of trash politics, of an art that celebrated trash? The exhibit follows him from a super-devout Catholic family in the Slavic ghettos of Pittsburgh—a boy who was cripplingly shy, ill-assimilated, and often confined to a sickbed; a boy for whom thought, expression, and narrative were pain—as he turned himself into Andy Warhol. What can this story tell us about our own anti-humanist swerve?... The less we push back on the idea that prurience and detritus represent the sum of it, the greater [Warhol's] powers of divination seem.... [It speaks] to the condition of all art, maybe all modernity, and with a retroactive power that rewrites everything that came before it. An inner life, a sense of vocation, a distrust of fame and a special loathing for speculative fortunes, a personal relationship with God (or nature) that the image may partake in but never supplant—Warholism negates it all. No wonder he has never been bigger."From "Warhol’s Bleak Prophecy/What a new retrospective reveals about the artist, and about our swerve away from humanism" (The Atlantic).
I wonder what Warhol would mean if Hillary Clinton had been elected President?
Thus articles "What made Warhol thrilling in 1962 acquired a bitter aura in November 2016."
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