Title : "I think lot of Korean women are wearing an 'appearance-corset.' They have this immense fear of the face they show to others."
link : "I think lot of Korean women are wearing an 'appearance-corset.' They have this immense fear of the face they show to others."
"I think lot of Korean women are wearing an 'appearance-corset.' They have this immense fear of the face they show to others."
"I heard that women feel especially shameful when they hear that they are ugly. I was like that as well. Certain people said stuff like, 'you're not even trying anyway' and 'a corset wouldn't even fit you.' There were even death threats saying that they will come find me and kill me."Said Lina Bae, who was one of those make-up how-to YouTube stars, quoted in a BBC article.
Bae is part of a growing movement of young women in South Korea who are challenging long-held beauty ideals. They call themselves the "escape the corset" movement. Many shave off their long hair and go without make-up then post the results on social media.
Thus articles "I think lot of Korean women are wearing an 'appearance-corset.' They have this immense fear of the face they show to others."
that is all articles "I think lot of Korean women are wearing an 'appearance-corset.' They have this immense fear of the face they show to others." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "I think lot of Korean women are wearing an 'appearance-corset.' They have this immense fear of the face they show to others." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2018/12/i-think-lot-of-korean-women-are-wearing.html
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